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5 Surprising Uses for Vinegar at Home

Safe, readily available, and inexpensive, there are perhaps hundreds of uses for vinegar at home.

Here are 5 surprising uses for vinegar at home:

1. Tiles

Vinegar is not only effective at cleaning and whitening tiles and grout, but it’s also rather safer than bleach. Just spray vinegar on grout and caulk in the bathroom or kitchen, let it soak in for at least an hour, then scrub it off with a brush.

2. Faucets and Shower Heads

Over time, calcium and hard water buildup can block faucets and showerheads. Fill a plastic bag or Ziploc about halfway with vinegar. Wrap the vinegar-filled bag around the showerhead or faucet so that any area with buildup is completely submerged in the vinegar. Hold the bag in place by snapping a rubber band around it. Wait about an hour to let the vinegar dissolve any deposits or buildups. Remove the bag, wipe with a towel and run water to rinse.

3. Laundry

For removing stains like ketchup, and underarm deodorants, spray a little vinegar onto the stain before laundering. Soaking white clothes in vinegar will bring back their whiteness. One cup of vinegar helps to break down detergent when added to the rinse cycle, making clothes fresher, more colorful.

4. Pet Urine and Odors

Vinegar is also a great natural cleaning option for more serious pet odors. The vinegar neutralizes the ammonia in the dog urine, helping to neutralize the smell, and cleaning the pet urine from any surface. Dilute vinegar with a bit of water, and spray on carpets or floors. Or use in combination with baking soda on cushions or bedding for an extra powerful, odor-eliminating punch.

5. Dishwasher

Vinegar can be used as a cheap, effective rinsing agent to get your glasses, plates, and other dishes sparkling clean. It can also help to clean the dishwasher itself. Pour a cup of white vinegar into an empty dishwasher, then run it for a short cycle to get rid of the lime and soap build-up that can prevent your dishwasher from working efficiently.

Surprising Uses for Vinegar

Vinegar is acidic and can cut through grease, stains, and bad smells. The sour odor of vinegar can be unpleasant for some people, but it will go away as soon as it dries. We hope you enjoy this list of uses for vinegar at home!


  • Never use vinegar on marble or any stone surfaces. The acidity may damage these surfaces.
  • Do not mix vinegar and bleach. Mixing these two creates potentially lethal chlorine gas.
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