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Our Mental Health During the Pandemic

Mental health disorders during the pandemic are rising among people. This means nurturing mental wellness is now a collective social responsibility.

Most of us are experiencing difficult mental health during the pandemic. One main reason is our limited ability to interact with each other. And as we slowly reopen, processing things in a healthy way is truly important. Signs of distress include:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Eating too much or barely at all
  • Extreme fatigue or hyperactivity and restlessness
  • Relying on a substance to cope with stress
  • Concerning feedback from people
  • Extreme negative thoughts

It is very important for families to become sensitive and vigilant of the situation. Talking to family about mental health problems can be an opportunity to provide information, support, and guidance. If a family member is showing signs of a mental health problem or reaching out to you for help, you may offer support by reassuring them how you care. Constant communication is key during these troubling times. If you notice signs of distress, you can get help by talking to a mental health professional or even reaching out to a trusted family member or friend.

You lose perspective when in a state of distress. However, there are a lot of ways to get back to a healthy place. For example, you can take time to focus on things you’re grateful for. In addition, connecting with people you trust is a good way to get perspective.Mental Health During the Pandemic

In conclusion, the pandemic has alarming implications for many individuals. For instance, patients and families can be educated appropriately by providing information about mental health. In some affected countries, mental health conditions are now a major concern. Many governments have started working on the psychosocial support aspects of the pandemic. Above all, psychosocial activities should be integrated into general health care. This may involve local resources and community participation.