MINCHEN TEAM – San Francisco, CA

Stricter Owner Move-In Ordinance Passed

Source: Bornstein Law

On Friday, July 27, 2017, Mayor Ed Lee signed the new Owner Move-In Reporting Requirements Ordinance which amends the Administrative Code regarding owner move-in and relative move-in (“OMI”) evictions. This amendment creates more arduous requirements for landlords seeking to recover possession of a rental unit through an OMI eviction and harsher penalties for landlords pursuing fraudulent OMI evictions. This ordinance will become effective 30 days after the signing, August 26, 2017. However, the new requirements will not commence until January 1, 2018. We have outlined the changes below:

With these new changes, OMI evictions are now more challenging than ever before, and the margin for error is now slim to none. Please contact Bornstein Law or otherwise seek legal advice if you choose to pursue an OMI eviction so that you can safely navigate through these new requirements and avoid any repercussions for failing to comply.

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