MINCHEN TEAM – San Francisco, CA

Being Creative at Home Help Our Mental Well-being

How does being creative at home help our mental wellbeing at this challenging time?

Being Creative at Home

Self-isolation for extended periods of time can cause anxiety and other mental health issues. To keep yourself occupied, entertained, and productive during your quarantine – keep your creative juices flowing! It’s important to refocus and continue to put our best foot forward and rejuvenate ourselves. Here are a few tips to keep being creative at home:

Create playlists for every type of mood

During these difficult times, it’s important to tend to our mental health in addition to our physical safety. Take some time to unload and unwind to some music. Having playlists for every type of mood can set the tone for whatever output you’re creating. Instead of playing songs on shuffle, curate mood playlists that flow well.

Find topics you’re interested in and immerse yourself

Are you into film, psychology, or art? Gather interesting articles, videos, and content online about topics that interest you and learn about them.

Do quick and simple workouts

Feeling disconnected from others has been shown to negatively affect health which can directly impact our work. Exercise keeps you fit and gives you that much-needed endorphin rush to make you more pumped to finish work.

Know when to Connect and unplug

Staying at home can lead to hours of endless procrastination, especially online. Set times that you should be focused on working and set times for rest.

Bring nature inside

Let the sunlight stream in your windows and the room with greenery. Make it easy to take in the views outside your home. Connecting with nature helps us connect with our imaginations.

It’s important to keep your creative juices flowing. Not only will it optimize your work from home, but also helps maintain your sanity. Taking these few easy steps we can create the ideal creative work process and produce the best work possible. Stay inspired while staying at home!