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Home Features Buyers are Looking for in 2021

Home Features
Discover which home features are most sought after. As we continue to explore what our new normal looks like, buyers are also shifting their perspectives.

Home features add convenience and extra functionality to your living space. Scroll on to see to get a peek at what buyers are looking for in a new home. 🔎

Home Office

This home feature doesn’t come as much of a surprise. More and more individuals are working from home, and feel the need to have a private office space to take zoom calls and have a little quiet time to focus.

Larger Yard
Stay at home orders? Not a problem when you have a spacious backyard to roam around in. Outdoor space is no longer taken for granted with public spaces being limited. It’s no surprise that a larger yard is high on the wish lists of buyers these days.

Family Space
Overall, buyers are looking for more room. Family space is essential, especially when you’re only seeing each other for extended amounts of time. A space to socialize and bond as a family is so important to what makes a house a home.

Secure Front Porch
Don’t have room for a yard? A secure front porch space is also at the top of the list for buyers. Being able to spend time outside the home has become increasingly important.

Do you have the home features buyers are looking for? Make sure that your home is keeping up with the modern design trends. Invest in home features that can make your life more comfortable and pay off when you sell your home. Finally, some home features can have a poor return on investment so plan your upgrades carefully.

We can improve your property with many of the home features buyers want and need the most! Let’s connect!